× ADT is observing Eid Al Fitr holidays from Sunday March 30 till Thursday April 3rd. Eid Mubarak!

Business Applications made for You

So, you need a new app to solve that problem, yet nobody has quite the right thing?

The good news is that we can fix that. Your requirement could be an integrated bespoke cloud business system, or perhaps a unique mobile app for staff or customers.

We can jump-start your project with our existing dev engines with faster delivery and lower costs.


Guaranteed Solutions. Here’s Why…

ADT stands by our experience to analyse your requirements and provide end solutions that actually work, guaranteed.


With our vast experience over different business types ADT is able to quickly understand your business processes, apply industry best practices, along with observed efficiencies, and create a system requirement that exactly meets your needs. 

Project Management

The project management phase of your system implementation is critical. We have a project management team that understands this from experience with thousands of deployments over many years.

Business Applications

If your organisation is not using a comprehensive business management application, you are sure to be wasting time, resources and will find it difficult to compete in the current business environment. We can help streamline your business and its efficiency. 

Mobile Applications

From convenience and accessibility, mobile apps are a big part of your technology platform. ADT can help with cost effective quick to market mobile applications for your team, partners or end users.

Online Service Portals (B2B & B2C)

We rarely visit bank branches any more, we do our banking and tax online. Increasingly order our electronics or groceries online as well. Most of us also claim that working that way is more convenient. Be sure to have this option for your customers to be part of this important market space.

Cloud Infrastructure

Security, resilience and scalability that is now common place using SaaS and IaaS are available through the big cloud providers such as Amazon AWS, Azure or Google Cloud. We can help you plan, implement and maintain these complex cloud platforms to best suit your needs.


With over 20 years of experience in implementing technology solutions, ADT has gained vast knowledge in one of the biggest challenges in new technology systems, and that is the implementation. ADT goes beyond most developers with extensive real workd physical device intergration.

Support & Maintenance

When you are making large scale investments in applications, you need to be sure that ongoing support and maintenance services are available for many years to come.

Creative Solutions

Partners for creating innovative solutions which are not just a piece of software. We bring out of the box thinking to the most efficient, cost effective and automated solutions with a full range of integration to other apps and physical devices for your remote teams or IoT devices.

Mobile Applications

Streamline access out of the office with custom mobile apps with on the go access to work plans, directions or critical info. Or get data directly back into operational dashboards.

Cloud Dashboards

Online anywhere 24x7, create direct access to critical operation information and distribute new workplans. Our cloud platforms are user friendly and built exactly to your needs.

Systems Integration

Directly move data between systems without lag and errors. ADT provides custom connections to any other systems you use that provide even basic connectivity.

Real World Integration

Specialists in connecting to real world sensors and controls such IoT devices, LoraWAN, Navigation, Positioning and Mapping. Our systems can monitor and control to app or dashboard from around the world.

A selection our of clients who trust us to deliver..

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